Altronix AL624E Installation Instructions Bedienungsanleitung

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The AL624E Linear Power Supply / Charger will convert a low voltage AC input to a low voltage DC output.
This general purpose power supply has a wide range of applications for access control, security and CCTV system
accessories that require additional power.
• Input16VACto24VAC,20VAto40VA(Voltage Output/Transformer Selection Table)
• Switchselectable6VDC-12VDC-24VDC.
• 750mAcontinuoussupplycurrentat24VDC.
Battery Backup:
• Maximumchargecurrent300mA.
Additional Features:
• ACinputandDCoutputLEDindicators.
• Extremelycompactdesign.
• Includesbatteryleadsandenclosure.
Enclosure Dimensions: 8.5”H x 7.5” W x 3.5” D
Voltage Output/Transformer Selection Table:
Output Voltage Selector (JMPR) Transformer
6VDC@1.2ampcontinuoussupplycurrent CutJumperJ2Only 12VAC/20VA
12VDC@1.2ampcontinuoussupplycurrent LeaveJ1&J2Intact 16.5VAC/20VA(AltronixmodelTP1620)
24VDC@750mAcontinuoussupplycurrent CutJumperJ1Only 24VAC/40VA(AltronixmodelTP2440)
Installation Instructions:
1. Mount AL624 into enclosure (Fig. 1, pg. 2).
2. Mount AL624E in desired location.
3. Unit is factory set for 12VDC. For6VDCoutputcutjumperJ2,for24VDCoutputcutJumperJ1.
4. Connect proper transformer to terminals marked [AC] (Voltage Output/Transformer Selection Table).
Use 18 AWG or larger for all power connections (Battery, DC output).
5. Measureoutputvoltagebeforeconnectingdevices.Thishelpsavoidpotentialdamage.
6. Devicestobepoweredshouldbeconnectedtoterminalsmarked[+DC]and[DC-BAT]carefullyobservingpolarity.
7. Connectbatterytoterminalsmarked[BAT+]and[DC-NEG](batteryleadsincluded)
LED Diagnostics:
Red (DC) Green (AC) Power Supply Status
ON ON Normaloperatingcondition.
ON OFF LossofAC,Stand-bybatterysupplyingpower.
OFF ON NoDCoutput.Shortcircuitorthermaloverloadcondition.
OFF OFF NoDCoutput.LossofAC.Dischargedornobatterypresent.
AL624E - Linear Power Supply / Charger
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Seite 1 - (AltronixmodelTP2440)

Overview:The AL624E Linear Power Supply / Charger will convert a low voltage AC input to a low voltage DC output.This general purpose power supply has

Seite 2 - Terminal Identification:


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