SECURITYRev. 042811ACM8 SeriesUL Listed Sub-AssemblyAccess Power ControllersInstallation GuideModels Include:ACM8- Eight (8) Fuse Protected OutputsAC
- 2 - ACM8/CB Sub-AssemblyOverview:These units are UL Listed Sub-Assembly multi-output Access Power Controllers which converts one (1) 12 to 24 vol
ACM8/CB Sub-Assembly - 3 -Installation Instructions:WiringmethodsshallbeinaccordancewiththeNationalElectricalCode/NFPA70/NFPA72/ANSI,a
- 4 - ACM8/CB Sub-Assembly (c) FACP Signaling Circuit input trigger: Connect the positive (+) and negative (-) from the FACP signaling circuit o
ACM8/CB Sub-Assembly - 5 -LED Diagnostics:ACM8 & ACM8CB Access Power ControllerLED ON OFFLED 1- LED 8 (Red) Output relay(s) energized. Output r
- 6 - ACM8/CB Sub-AssemblyHook-up Diagrams:JUMPERN.C. DRYTRIGGERINPUTTRGJ3NO C NCFACP INTERFACEFig. 4 Normally Open - Non
ACM8/CB Sub-Assembly - 7 -Notes:
- 8 - ACM8/CB Sub-AssemblyAltronix is not responsible for any typographical errors.14058thStreet,Brooklyn,NewYork11220USA,718-567-8181,fax
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