Rev. 042010AL802ULADAJNAC Power ExtenderInstallation Guide(See Application Guide for additional information)Altronix Corp.140 58th St. Brooklyn, NY
- 10 - AL802ULADAJAppendix A - UL Listed Compatible DevicesA.1 Four (4) Wire Smoke DetectorsTableA-1belowlistsfour(4)wiresmokedetectorscom
AL802ULADAJ - 11 -A.1 Four (4) Wire Smoke Detectors (cont.)Smoke Detector/BaseDetector TypeMax StandbyCurrent (mA)AlarmCurrent (mA)SystemSensor4
- 12 - AL802ULADAJEnclosure Dimensions (H x W x D approximate):18”x14.5”x4.625”(457.2mmx368.3mmx117.48mm)Altronixisnotresponsiblefora
- 2 - AL802ULADAJ Agency Listings:• ULListedControlUnitsforFireProtective SignalingSystems(UL864).• MEA-NYCDepartmentofBuild
AL802ULADAJ - 3 -Power Supply Specifications:AC Input:120VAC60Hz,5amp,suppliedbyamaximum15ampdedicatedbranchcircuit.Output:Four(4)reg
- 4 - AL802ULADAJClass A, Style Z Class B, Style W, Y, SW1 & SW2 Settings:• ForallClassB,StyleW,Y,hookupsSW1&SW2ontheAL800LG
AL802ULADAJ - 5 -Amount of Notification Appliances per NAC:Amseco 27perNAC*SystemSensor® 32perNAC*Faraday 39perNAC*CooperWheelock® 32perN
- 6 - AL802ULADAJTerminal Identification Table:AL800ADA Power Supply Board* Terminal Legend Function/DescriptionL,G,N Connect120VACtothes
AL802ULADAJ - 7 -Battery 2Battery connection (non power limited)Battery Supervisionand AC Supervision Circuit(power limited)Nonpower-limitedWire S
- 8 - AL802ULADAJOptional hookups:1- BatteryandACmonitoring:ACorBatteryFailconditionwillcausethecommontroubleinput[C“FAULT”NC]t
AL802ULADAJ - 9 -Battery Calculation WorksheetDeviceNumber of DevicesCurrent per DeviceStand-by CurrentAlarm CurrentForeachdeviceusethi
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