AL400ULACM converts a 115VAC 60Hz input into eight (8) independently controlled
12VDC or 24VDC Fail-Safe and/or Fail-Secure outputs with a total of 4 amp @ 12VDC
or 3 amp @ 24VDC continuous supply current. Outputs are activated by an open collec-
tor sink or normally open (NO) dry trigger input from an Access Control System, Card
Reader, Keypad, Push Button, PIR, etc. This unit will route power to a variety of access
control hardware devices including Mag Locks, Electric Strikes, Magnetic Door Holders,
etc. The outputs will operate in both Fail-Safe and/or Fail-Secure modes. This unit is
designed to be powered by one common power source (factory installed) which will pro-
vide power for both the board operation and locking devices, or two (2) totally indepen-
dent power sources, one (1) providing power for board operation and the other for lock /
accessory power. The FACP Interface enables Emergency Egress, Alarm Monitoring, or
may be used to trigger other auxiliary devices. The fire alarm disconnect feature is indi-
vidually selectable for any or all of the eight (8) outputs.
Power Supply/Chargers w/Multi-Output
Access Power Controllers
Rev. DSAL400ULACM_11062012
• Input115VAC60Hzrated@1.9amp.
• Powersupplyinputoptions:
a) One (1) common power input for ACM8/
ACM8CB and lock power (factory installed).
b)Two (2) isolated power inputs - One (1)to power the
ACM8/ACM8CB and one (1) for lock
accessory power, (external power supply is
required). (Current is determined by the
power supply connected, not to exceed a
maximum of 10 amp total).
• Eight(8)AccessControlSystemtriggerinputs.
a) Eight (8) normally open (NO) inputs.
b)Eight (8) open collector inputs.
c) Any combination of the above.
• 12VDCor24VDCoutputs.
• 12VDC@4ampsupplycurrent
or 24VDC @ 3 amp supply current.
• Class2Ratedpowerlimitedoutputs.
• Eight(8)independentlycontrolledoutputs.
a) Eight (8) Fail-Safe and/or Fail-Secure power outputs.
b)Eight (8) form “C” 5 amp rated relay outputs
c) Any combination of the above.
• Eight(8)auxiliarypoweroutputs(unswitched)
• Outputratings:
- Fuses are rated @ 3.5 amp.
• Filteredandelectronicallyregulatedoutputs
(built-in power supply).
• FireAlarmdisconnect(latchingornon-latching)is
individually selectable for any or all of the
eight (8) outputs.
Features (cont’d):
• FireAlarmdisconnectinputoptions:
a) Normally open (NO) or normally closed (NC)
dry contact input.
b)Polarity reversal input from FACP signaling circuit.
• AlarmoutputrelayindicatesthatFACPinputis
triggered (form “C” contact rated @ 1 amp 28VDC
not evaluated by UL).
• Shortcircuitandthermaloverloadprotection.
Visual Indicators:
• RedLEDsindicateoutputsaretriggered
(relays energized).
• GreenLEDindicatesFACPdisconnectistriggered.
• ACinputandDCoutputLEDindicators.
Battery Backup:
• Built-inchargerforsealedleadacidorgeltypebatteries.
• AL400ULXB(PowerSupplyBoard)maximum
charge current 0.7 amp.
• Automaticswitchovertostand-bybatterywhenACfails.
• Zerovoltagedropwhenunitswitchesovertobattery
backup (AC failure condition).
• Batteryfailandbatterypresencesupervision
(form “C” contact).
• Operatingtemperature:0ºCto49ºCambient.
• ACM8boardmainfuseisratedat10amp.
• BTU/Hr.:
- 12VDC:24.57BTU/Hr.
- 24VDC:36.85BTU/Hr.
• EnclosureDimensions(HxWxDapprox.):
- Combination knockouts are 0.625” and 0.75”
- Accommodates up to two (2) 12AH batteries.
• Productweight(approx.):10.7 lbs. (4.85 kg).
• Shippingweight(approx.):12lbs.(5.44kg).
Kommentare zu diesen Handbüchern