Altronix Maximal3R Data Sheet Bedienungsanleitung

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Maximal3R rack mount access power controller distributes and switches power
to access control systems and accessories. It converts a 115VAC 50/60Hz input
into sixteen (16) independently controlled 12VDC or 24VDC fuse protected
outputs. Outputs are activated by an normally open (NO) or normally closed
(NC) dry trigger input from an Access Control System, Card Reader, Keypad,
Push Button, PIR, etc. This unit will route power to a variety of access con-
trol hardware devices including: Mag Locks, Electric Strikes, Magnetic Door
Holders, etc. Outputs will operate in both Fail-Safe and/or Fail-Secure modes.
The FACP Interface enables Emergency Egress, Alarm Monitoring, or may
be used to trigger other auxiliary devices. The fire alarm disconnect feature is
individually selectable for any or all of the outputs.
• 115VAC60Hz.,1.9amp.
• Normallyclosed[NC]ornormallyopen[NO]
dry contact inputs (switch selectable).
• 12VDCor24VDC@6amptotaloutputcurrent.
• Sixteen(16)fuseprotectedoutputs.
• MaximumcurrentperACM8R-Moutputis2.5amp.
• IndividuallyselectableMagLock/Strike(Fail-Safe,
Fail-Secure) solid state fuse protected outputs.
• Thermalandshortcircuitprotectionwithautoreset.
Fire Alarm Interface:
• LatchingorNon-Latchingfirealarmresetswitch
individually selectable for each output.
• RemoteresetcapabilityforlatchingFireAlarm
Interface mode.
• FireAlarmdisconnectinputoptions:
dry contact input.
b)Polarity reversal input from FACP signaling
Visual Indicators:
• IndividualOutputStatusLEDslocatedonthe
front panel.
Battery Backup:
• Built-inchargerforsealedleadacidorgeltype
batteries (if batteries are required install
separate enclosure).
• Maximumchargecurrent0.7amp.
• Automaticswitchovertostand-bybattery
when AC fails.
• Zerovoltagedropwhenunitswitchesovertobattery
backup (AC failure condition).
• ACfailsupervision(form“C”contact).
• Lowbatteryandbatterypresencesupervision
Additional Features:
• Removableterminalblockswithlockingscrewflange.
• 3-wirelinecord.
• Illuminatedmasterpowerdisconnectcircuitbreaker
with manual reset.
• Dimensions(HxWxD)(approx.):3.25”(82.55mm)x
• Shipping Weight (approximate):12.7lbs(5.76kg).
Rack Mount Access Power Controller
Rev. DSMaximal3R - 11012012
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Seite 1 - Maximal3R

Maximal3R rack mount access power controller distributes and switches power to access control systems and accessories. It converts a 115VAC 50/60Hz in

Seite 2 - TOP & BOTTOM

Altronix Corp. - 140 58th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11220 • 718-567-8181 • 888-258-7669 • altronix.comFRONTTOP & BOTTOMREARMaximal3R Rack Chassis Dimen

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