HubWay8DS Passive UTP Transceiver Hub w/Integral Camera Power trans-
mits UTP video, RS422/RS485 data and power over a single CAT-5 or higher
structured cable. Unit provides 8 camera channels in a space saving 1U EIA
19” rack mount chassis which may be wall or shelf mounted. Video trans-
mission range is up to 750 ft. max. per channel. Units are compatible with
AC and/or DC fixed or PTZ cameras when utilizing Altronix HubWayAv,
HubWayDv or HubWayDvi Video Balun/Combiners. An optional HubSat4D
Passive UTP Transceiver Hub with Integral Camera Power can be used as an
accessory module to transmit video from up to 4 cameras over a single CAT-5
or higher structured cable back to the HubWay8DS. In addition, the HubSat4D
provides power to these cameras locally to eliminate the possibility of voltage
drop associated with long cable runs.
HubWay8DS Passive UTP Transceiver Hub
with Integral Camera Power
Rev. DSHubWay8DS - 10262012
UL Listed for Commercial CCTV Equipment (UL 2044).
Agency Approvals
• 115VAC60Hz,1.5ampor230VAC50/60Hz,1amp.
• Eight(8)channelsofvideoovertwistedpair
up to a distance of 750 ft. (228.6m) per channel.
• Eight(8)75ohmvideooutputs.
• RS422/RS485 data inputs.
• Unitprovidesupto1ampmax.perchannelnotto
exceed a total of 5 amp (150VA) maximum current.
• Individuallyselectable24VACor28VACisolated
power outputs with OFF position.
• Class2Ratedpowerlimitedoutputs.
• PTCsarerated@1ampperchannel.
• Surgesuppression.
• Operatingtemperature:0ºCto49ºCambient.
• Totalsystempowerconsumption:150W.
• 57BTU/Hr.
• SystemACinputVArequirement:150VA.
• Eight (8) power LEDs.
• Illuminatedmasterpowerdisconnectcircuitbreaker
with manual reset.
• IEC320-3-wiregroundedlinecord(detachable).
• OptionalHubSat4Dallowstransmissionofupto
four (4) video signals over a single CAT-5 or higher
structured cable.
• VideoBalun/Combiners:
- HubWayAv2 Slim-line - compatible with all
HubWay UTP Hubs for AC or DC fixed cameras
or PTZs.
- HubWayDv - compatible with all HubWay
UTP Hubs for DC fixed cameras or PTZs.
- HubWayDvi - built-in isolation. Compatible with
all HubWay UTP Hubs for DC fixed cameras
or PTZs.
• Unitscanberack,wallorshelfmounted.
• Modular1UstandardEIA19”rackmountchassis.
• EnclosureDimensions(HxWxDapprox.):
1.625” (41.275mm) x 19.125” (486mm)
x 8.5” (216mm)
• Productweight(approx.):10.4lbs.(4.72kg).
• Shippingweight(approx.):11.7lbs.(5.31kg).
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